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From 1 April 2024, we are moving to an income banded scheme for working-aged customers.

This updated scheme will make the amount customers receive towards their Council Tax more settled, allowing for better budgeting. It will also offer those on the lowest incomes up to 100% discount on their council tax bill.

How does the new scheme work?

The scheme works by placing your assessed net weekly income into the relevant income band based on the household size.

If your income changes but remains within the same band, the amount of support will not change.

The amount of support will only change if your assessed income or household circumstance moves you into a different income band.

If you and any partner have savings and investments above £10,000 you will not be entitled to any help.

2024/2025 income bands

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Council Tax Discount

 Single Person

 Couple with no children

Couple or Lone Parent with one child/young person

Couple or Lone Parent with two children/young persons

Couple or Lone Parent with three children/young persons

Couple or Lone Parent with four or more children/young persons



£0.00 to


£0.00 to


£0.00 to


£0.00 to


£0.00 to


£0.00 to




£91.01 to


£143.01 to


£209.01 to


£276.01 to


£342.01 to


£409.01 to




£141.01 to


£193.01 to


£259.01 to


£326.01 to


£392.01 to


£459.01 to




£191.01 to


£243.01 to


£309.01 to


£376.01 to


£442.01 to


£509.01 to










When we work out your household income we will not take into account the following payments:

  • Carers Allowance

  • Child Benefit and Child Maintenance

  • Disability Living Allowance

  • Employment and Support Allowance Support Component

  • Personal Independence Payments

  • War Widows/Widowers and War Disablement Pensions.

If you or any partner are receiving Universal Credit we will not take into account any elements awarded to you for:

  • Carer Element

  • Disabled Child Element

  • Limited Capability for Work Element

  • Housing Element

  • Child Care Element.

In addition,

  • Where you and/or partner are working, we will not take into account up to the first £50 per week of this earned income (£50 per week per household)

  • Where a disability benefit is in payment to you, partner or any household member, a £50 per week disregard will be applied to your assessed income (£50 per week per household)

  • Where your household falls into the lowest income band the 100% discount will be applied against your net liable council tax unless circumstances change

  • No deductions will be made for any Non-dependent living within the household with you. Non-dependants are other adults living in your home but who are not dependent on you

  • If Universal Credit is not in payment to you and any partner, and you are both working and pay Child Care costs paid, we will not count Child Care costs of up to £175 per week for one child or up to £300 per week for two or more children. These amounts can only be taken off from any wages or any Working Tax Credit paid to you.

  • Where you have not claimed Council Tax Support straight away, we will consider backdating your claim for up to 12 months. This will apply from the date you first claim and where circumstances show you would have been continuously eligible for the period in question. This provision does not allow backdating prior to 1 April 2024.

How do I apply?

To make your claim for Council Tax Support please use the link below to our online form.

Apply for Council Tax Support
  • The application will take between 15 - 20 minutes to complete

  • You will need to have your personal and income details to complete the form

  • Please upload any evidence when you complete the form as this will speed up the processing of your claim. Where a person has claimed or is receiving Universal Credit we will check these details with those provided to us by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Changes in your circumstances

You must tell us about any changes to your circumstances within 21 days. 

Tell us about changes in your circumstances.